Google Keep Can Keep You Organized

Have you ever needed to take notes or create a list quickly? If the answer is YES!, then Google Keep is the tool for you and your Student Google Keep allows you to take notes on the fly from any device with the app or internet access. Haha, did you get the pun “fly?” It is supported on every platform, IOS, MAC, Android, Chromebooks, and Windows. Keep is integrated into the sidebar and Tools menu of Docs, Sheet, and Slides. Notes you create on your cell phone can be accessed on your computer or any other device that has the Keep app. You can even create a note by recording your voice. Also, you can color-code notes, create categories for your notes, add an image, take pictures, create a drawing, create a checklist, assign a reminder date and the best is you can share them with others, brilliant! Google Keep is an excellent AVID organization tool for your students as well. Students can keep vocabulary and spelling lists handy for review o...